2024/2025 Registration (TCDMHA)

Print2024/2025 Registration

Welcome to TCDMHA Hockey!

Registration for the 2024/2025 year is completely electronic. TCDMHA will accept player registrations using the platforms provided by OMHA (HCR 3.0) and OWHA (RAMP).

Don't forget to SAVE $100 by registering before June 1, 2024. Simply register before June 1, 2024 for the early-bird discount!

Players that are NEW to TCDMHA, who are registering in U13 or lower and who are not on a one-year player movement are FREE for the first year. Its a great time to try hockey!


In order to play any hockey within TCDMHA, you must complete Respect in Sport. Respect in sport is a 1 hour, $12 course focused on educating the parent about your supporting role in sport, concussion awareness, and the role of the organization.
Respect in sport must be completed only once (NOT each year).
Your child's details will be registered as part of Respect in Sport, and any NEW children to hockey must be added to your Respect in Sport profile BEFORE you attempt to register them for hockey through the links below. Please be sure to spell your child's name correctly, as it will be added to the HCR or RAMP system. Please do NOT re-enter your child. It could create a duplicate record. You can ensure that all of your children participating in minor hockey by looking in the 'Child Management' screen. 
Respect in Sport can be accessed through the following link: https://omha.respectgroupinc.com
For a complete step by step guide on Respect in Sports, please read the following PDF: Respect_in_Sports_Walkthrough_for_Parents_(OMHA)

Choose the type of hockey that your child wishes to play.

For Mixed hockey (Boys and Girls), the OMHA employs the Hockey Canada Registry's HCR 3.0 system. (Note: Girls hockey instructions are below)
Click the link for Mixed hockey here: https://page.hockeycanada.ca/page/hc/ohf/ontario-minor-hockey-association/woaa-l/chatsworth-&-district

Pro tip: When asked if you are registering an existing player, please note that it is ALREADY SELECTED by default. If you click it, you will UN-SELECT it, and that will put you into the player creation screen. If your child has played hockey in the past, DO NOT create a new player as they will already exist in the Hockey Canada portal.

For Girls hockey (Girls only), the OWHA employs the RAMP system. Click the link here: http://TCDGHAChatsworth.rampregistrations.com.

** Note that upon registration, RAMP will charge you a $50 initial payment, and the rest can be paid in installments at the prescribed time. **

Pro tip: 
If your child played Girls hockey last year, DO NOT create a new player as they will already exist in the RAMP registration system.
PLEASE ENSURE that you choose the correct Season... 2024/2025

For best results, please complete the Respect in Sport before you register.

PAYMENT REMINDER: If you choose to pay via e-transfer, your payment must go to [email protected].

If you have any questions, please email us and we'll see that your question gets to the right person: [email protected]